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Publications by Faculty, Staff and Students​​​​

Articles/Papers in Journals:

  • Gireesan, K., and Ngiimei, K.K. (2024). Combating COVID-19 in Manipur: Responses by the State Government, Local Governments and Community Based Organisations, South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, 25 (1), 69-75. (ISSN: 0972-4613)  


  • Kinimi, B., and Gireesan, K. (2024). From Resistance to Representation – The Journey of Women’s Reservation in Nagaland, Mainstream, 62 (25-27), June 22. (ISSN: 2582-7316)


  • Parimal, M.S. (2024). तिबेटमधील हाहाकार, Parivartanacha Watsaru, June, 1. 


  • Paul, S.K. and Gireesan, K. (2024). Social unrest and political fallouts in West Bengal – After the court verdict on the teacher recruitment scam, Mainstream, 62 (20), May, 18. (ISSN: 2582-7316)


  • Parimal, M.S. (2024). Anthropocene in Tibet, The Book Review, XLVIII, May.


  • Chathukulam, J., Gireesan, K., Joseph, M. and Kayitakire, C. (2024). Rwanda Revisited: A Critical Introspection on Rwanda’s Resurrection from the Scars and Trauma  left by the Genocide, Mainstream, 62 (13), Mar, 30. (ISSN: 2582-7316)


  • Gireesan, K. (2024). Public Notice on One Nation, One Election – Very serious electoral reforms but very little response time, Mainstream, 62 (4), Jan, 27. (ISSN: 2582-7316)


  • Gireesan, K. (2023). Nava Kerala Sadas and sanction of funds by the LGIs – Is it the signal of democratic backsliding?, Mainstream, 61 (50), Dec, 9. (ISSN: 2582-7316)


  • Gireesan, K. and Chathukulam, J. (2023). Learnings from Chandrayaan-3: Addressing the Governance Deficits in India, Mainstream, 61 (38), Sep, 16. (ISSN: 2582-7316)

  • Gireesan, K. (2023). A unique initiative for inclusive democracy : Creative engagement of youth in local governance and policy formulation, Ethiopian Journal of Governance and Development, 2 (1), 19-33. [ISSN: 2957-4412 (Print), 2957-4420 (Online)]


Chapter in Edited Books/ Conference Proceedings:


  • Bendre, C. and Pandit, N. (2024). ‘Breaking the Mold: Women’s Struggle for Political Voice’, In: Amrita Banerjee and Manoj Kumar (eds.), Exploring Gender Stereotypes, New Delhi: Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security and Governance, 46-57, May. (ISBN: 978-81-967486-7-8)

  • Pandit, N. (2023), डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचा जलव्यवस्थापना संदर्भातील दृष्टिकोन, भुमिका  आणि योगदान (in Marathi), Jalsanvad, December, 1. (ISBN: 978-81-924949-0-6)


  • Pandit, N. (2023), पाण्याचा अधिकार (in Marathi), Jalsanvad, November, 1. (ISBN: 978-81-924949-0-6)


  • Bendre, C. and Chaudhari, V. (2023). ‘Evolving Landscape: Navigating Security, Identity, and Global Governance within the SDGs Framework’, In: Aurora Martin and Glorin Grecu (eds), Security, Identity and Global Hegemony, New Delhi: Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, 174-188, November. (ISBN 978-81-964476-2-5)


  • Pandit, N. (2023),  लोकसहभागातून जलस्वयंपूर्ण आणि समृद्ध झालेले नारोळी (in Marathi), Jalsanvad, September, 1. (ISBN 978-81-924949-0-6)


  • Gireesan, K. (2023). ‘Water Budgeting for Sustainable Development: A Micro Level Study on Climate-Resilient Agriculture’, In: Sunil Nautiyal, et. al. (eds). Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change, Singapore: Springer Nature, 257-276. (ISBN: 978-981-99-2205-5)


  • Sudhakar, P.M. (2023). "१०% आरक्षण: न्यायिक अर्थ-अनर्थ", महाराष्ट्र वार्षिकी २०२३, Unique Academy Publications, 2023, 21-26. (ISBN: 978-81-959191-0-9)


  • Gireesan, K. (2023). ‘From Agricultural Co-operatives to Farmer Producer Companies – Analysing the Transition of Co-operativism in India’, In: Joseph Tharamangalam and Jos Chathukulam (eds). Deepening Democracy – Comparative Perspectives of Decentralisation, Co-operativism and Self-Managed Development, Routledge, 197-209.  (ISBN: 9781003228486)


Articles in Magazines/ Newspapers/ Online Sources:



  • Parimal, M.S. (2024). महायुतीच्या राज्यातील दारुण पराभवाने ना ‘खरी शिवसेना’ कोणती हा प्रश्न सुटला, ना उद्धव ठाकरेंच्या दीर्घकालीन दिशेबद्दल आश्वासकता निर्माण झाली... पिच्चर अभी बाकी हैं! (In Marathi), Aksharanama (web portal), June, 15.  https://www.aksharnama.com/client/article_detail/7265  


  • Parimal, M.S.(2024). २०२४च्या लोकसभा निवडणुकीच्या माध्यमातून देशातील दलित-बहुजनांचे आर्थिक-सामाजिक प्रश्न व गरजा चव्हाट्यावर आणण्याच्या राजकारणाला धुमारे फुटत आहेत (In Marathi), Aksharanama (web portal), June, 1. https://www.aksharnama.com/client/article_detail/7248


  • Parimal, M.S. (2024), मोदी सरकारला न पेलवणारे आंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंध (In Marathi), Satyagrahi Vichardhara, June. 



  • Parimal, M.S. (2024). कन्हैय्या बाजी मारणार का? कन्हैय्या कुमारचा विजय हा संपूर्ण दिल्लीत, तसेच उत्तर भारतात राजकीय वारे कोणत्या दिशेने वाहत आहेत, यावर अवलंबून आहे (In Marathi), Aksharanama (web portal), May, 27. https://www.aksharnama.com/client/article_detail/7243


  • Parimal, M.S. (2024). A Wide Open Game in Maharashtra, Pulse/Linkedin, May, 7. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/wide-open-game-maharashtra-parimal-maya-sudhakar-59vef/

  • Parimal, M.S. (2024). ‘बारामती’च्या लढतीकडे संपूर्ण देशाचे लक्ष लागले आहे, तर ‘माढा’ मतदारसंघातील लढत पश्चिम महाराष्ट्रासाठी महत्त्वाची झाली आहे (in Marathi), Aksharanama (web portal), May, 4. https://www.aksharnama.com/client/article_detail/7215

  • Parimal, M.S. (2024), महाराष्ट्रातील उकळते राजकारण (In Marathi), Purogami Jangarjana, May.

  • Parimal, M.S. (2024).  इराण विरुद्ध इस्राएल: पश्चिम आशियातील खदखदता ज्वालामुखी (In Marathi), Satyagrahi Vichardhara, April. 

  • Pandit, N. and Bendre, C. (2024). Election Commission of India amidst diminishing public confidence, The Leaflet, April, 19.

  • Chathukulam, J. and Gireesan, K. (2024). Three Decades after the Genocide – Rwanda makes peace after the violent past, The Deccan Herald, April, 8.  https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/rwanda-makes-peace-with-its-violent-past-2968853

  • Pabbisetty S., Bendre C., and Mane R. (2024). प्रलंबित आश्वासनांचा प्रश्न (In Marathi). Maharashtra Times, March, 26. 

  • Parimal, M.S. and Bendre, C. (2024). संसद कामकाजाचा आक्रसलेला अवकाश (in Marathi), Daily Sakal,  February, 29. 

  • Parimal, M.S. (2024), इस्राएल-पॅलेस्टिन संघर्षाची बाराखडी (In Marathi), Maharashtra Warshiki 2024, January.

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023).  मोदींचे परराष्ट्र धोरण: जुने ते सोने (In Marathi), Satyagrahi Vichardhara, November-December. 

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023), लोकशाहीला घरघर जगभर (In Marathi), Insight, November. 

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023). अमेरिकेवर ९/११ च्या दहशतवादी हल्ल्याचा जो परिणाम झाला होता, तोच हमास व इस्लामिक जिहाद ने ७/१० ला इस्राएल वर केलेल्या हल्ल्याचा होणार आहे (in Marathi), Aksharanama (web portal), November, 4.

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023). चीनचा विस्कटलेला बेल्ट व रोड शो (in Marathi), Daily Sakal, October, 26.

  • Pandit, N. (2023), गरज सद्भावना पुनर्प्रस्थापित होण्याची (Translated article of Dr. Ram Puniyani), Satyagrahi Vichardhara,  October, 1. (RNI 68568/92)

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023).  जी-२० च्या दिल्ली शिखर परिषदेचे फलित (In Marathi), Satyagrahi Vichardhara, October. 

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023).  उद्विग्नतेच्या विळख्यात फ्रांस (In Marathi), Satyagrahi Vichardhara, September. 

  • Bendre, C. and Pandit, N. (2023). We The People : Is the space for civil society in India contracting?, The Leaflet – Constitution First, September, 10. https://theleaflet.in/wethepeple-is-the-space-for-civil-society-in-india-contracting/

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023).  रशिया-युक्रेन युद्धाची वाढती दलदल (In Marathi), Satyagrahi Vichardhara, August. 

  • Parimal, M.S. (2023). पाकिस्तानात लोकशाहीची कसोटी (in Marathi), Daily Pudhari, August, 13.  

  • Bendre, C. and Chaudhari, V. (2023). Defects writ large in the anti-defection law, The Leaflet – Constitution First, August, 6. 



  • Pandit, N. (2024), Way of Life : Constitution Preamble, Pune: Sahitya Vishwa Publication, pp.56. (Translation from Marathi to English and content improvisation). 



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